Word wondering

I see a lot of people trying out the idea of anaphora. I have tried the idea of repetition of the same word/s which I think is anaphora, even if the lines don’t all start in an identical way.

Word wondering

What do words say when they are silent?
Do words mean the sound of syllables?
Your word is what?

So many words fall unheard, unspoken,
could I pick them from among the leaves,
shake them in cupped hands and hear them speak?

Words fail, the mouth agape, mouths
a carp face, blank, frozen in shock,
unable to reach into the reserve of trite phrases.

Disaster, tragedy suffering,
but also for beauty,
words fail.

There are words for such things,
beauty, suffering, tragedy,
but not always the ears to hear.

I keep my words close
or toss them into the blue air.
It’s the same thing.

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