No splendour

A sort of sonnet response to Paul Brookes’ ekphrastic prompt for today. You can see the images that inspired it and read the other responses here.

No splendour

They build high into the dark of neon
and pigeon-misery, their crooned sorrows,
where there is no today, no past,
only tomorrows, layer on layer.

Dull dark heaves in the ill-defined sky,
of anchored cruise ships, where boxes sit,
in their perfect fit, that fills a need
for the great community of solitude.

Rodents climb the mesh of graphics
in search of basics, the crumbs fallen
from the table of heaven’s high,
looking for their roots among the debris at Babel’s foot,

where no roses scramble up sunny walls,
no one picks true fruit from a garden tree.

Author: Jane Dougherty

I used to do lots of things I didn't much enjoy. Now I am officially a writer. It's what I always wanted to be.

9 thoughts on “No splendour”

      1. Sadly I think you are right. So many people out walking with eyes glued to their phones. Even when they are walking with other people. I especially dislike seeing parents paying attention to their phones rather than their children.


      2. We get berated by children and complete strangers wanting instant replies, because we don’t carry our phones around with us.
        There’s this big debate at the moment about kids spending too long on their phones/screens and their parents being advised to set limits. But how can parents tell their kids to put the phone down, if their own phone is never out of their hands?

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I agree. I sometimes can’t even find my phone when I want it. And I can’t imagine walking with a friend with the phone in my hand. Luckily my friends are the same–but we’re old. We’ll be dying out soon.


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