End of the tether

The first round of voting takes place tomorrow, and the Oracle knows how worried I am about the outcome. I hope she’s right, that there’s always a chance that we can pick up the pieces and make things better.

End of the tether

Sometimes, it takes courage
to let the tongue release the words,
to make them raw, cutting, not dripping with honey,
to be the cat’s tongue, rough and uncompromising,
combing through tangles spitting out the burrs.

There’s a lake where the moon swims
beneath overhanging boughs, where the dark is still.
You say it makes you feel romantic,
as if the world has slipped away, leaving us alone.
I hear the rustle of animals afraid to come to drink.

What he really wants is a drudge,
who sometimes wears red and high heels and does her hair.
He wants to be a god, to make and break.
What he doesn’t want is to strip away
the flower’s petals and find a rock.

Red is the hole in the sky, ripped out
by the sun to spill its venom on the green.
I long for cloudy nights when I won’t see
the pin-points of stitches glittering sadly in the silent dark,
dreading the morning and another pounding.

We don’t know how we got here,
how many times the path forked before we strayed.
But the trees are kindly, their shadows gentle,
and if we want, we can find the way back,
and hope we remember how the birds were singing.

Author: Jane Dougherty

I used to do lots of things I didn't much enjoy. Now I am officially a writer. It's what I always wanted to be.

32 thoughts on “End of the tether”

    1. If nothing else, at least the normalisation of neo-fascist ideas has made the left face up to some of the core issues like poverty, sectarianism and the climate disaster it has chosen to ignore in favour of the more trendy issues like Palestine and trans rights.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. They have been ignoring poverty for a very long time. It requires thought and a lot of hard work–which politicians are not very good at. I think the last president who actually tried to do something about it was Lyndon Johnson.


      2. JFK was the one who really got us involved in Viet Nam. Johnson’s mistake (and downfall) was escalating it. So people forget the work he did on poverty, and that the Civil Rights Act would never have passed without his wheeling and dealing. Maybe not the nicest man, but he had a sense of what was right and he knew how to play politics to get it implemented.

        I was never that taken with any of the Kennedys. Including the current crazy one running for president.


      3. Exactly. JFK was the myth nobody was allowed to tarnish. It’s odd that sixty years later, there hasn’t been another young, handsome, Hollywood style president, when we know how much the modern world values youth and gorgeousness over intelligence and common sense.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I’ve just been to read your poem. We had a lot of the same words, and the same underlying fears, but the Oracle gave me only a couple of the same words. All the rest was just thinking alike 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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