

A day of heat, thick, golden,
grain-dry, chaff-flying,
and the sky vibrates with engine-throb,
brazen as empires,

waving branches
fill in the outline of the coming storm,
ink in hectic bird-flight.

We shake our heads in denial,
mouths open to spit venom,
drink in rivers of hatred.

We catch projectiles, toss them back,
and, as if there will be no storm,
we raise dust clouds
to hide the bodies,
curled up at the roadside.

Author: Jane Dougherty

I used to do lots of things I didn't much enjoy. Now I am officially a writer. It's what I always wanted to be.

15 thoughts on “Ostriches”

      1. The level of ignorance everywhere is frightening. The far right here doesn’t even have a demagogue to rabble-rouse. They have a twit who doesn’t know anything about anything and makes speeches that sound like a kid at primary school reciting a poem he’s learned for homework. Woeful.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. In all the televised debates with other party leaders he is atomised, and after each debate, his score rises. It’s as if people actually like the idea of voting for somebody more ignorant than themselves.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I just don’t understand that. I remember my daughter in junior and senior high school having no respect for teachers who seemed to know less than she did or were more immature. You’d think people would expect more from leaders. There’s a debate tonight that I will try to stay awake to watch. I think it starts 9PM, but that would be 6PM on the west coast. I really can’t stand to hear the former president talk.


      4. I think it’s a case of only hearing what they want to hear, regardless of whether the idiot even said it. They’re not interested in ‘intellectual’ concepts like truth, they don’t even need lies.

        Liked by 1 person

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