One thing I know

I like this idea of incorporating a fragment of another poem, but only if it’s my own (or the Oracle’s), and the fragment can be anything, a single line or image.

One thing I know

I know I have a heart because
it aches,
for the new lives that pass beneath the harvester’s blades,
the old lives beneath bombs, rising flood waters.

The world
aches, and darkness curls its oily fingers,
though the sun spreads like honey,
running like small children through
the fields,

and we pretend the searing of the sky
is the swoop and dart of swallows,
and only diamonds fall in the rain.

Author: Jane Dougherty

I used to do lots of things I didn't much enjoy. Now I am officially a writer. It's what I always wanted to be.

13 thoughts on “One thing I know”

  1. Those first two lines are so beautiful, and they echo my first two.
    I did not understand that fragment prompt, but seeing a few made it clear. I was also thinking of using an old Oracle poem to do one, since she often speaks in fragments. (K)


    1. Thank you. Yes, I’ve just read your poem, and the tone of the message is the same.
      Thinking about the fragment thing, it’s very similar to a contrapuntal poem. So why not just write a contrapuntal poem with all our own words? I don’t understand this insistence on using someone else’s. Yes, the Oracle gives us fragments that work better than images created by another poet.


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