Coucher de soleil

This poem is inspired by the artwork of a very talented rising star, Nell Rogers. I hope to post more of her work in the future.

Coucher de soleil

There are waves between us and so many sunsets,
songs fire-hued, ripple across the years,
voices long-dead only half-remembered,
and how do I tell you stories you cannot see?

Suns set in the falling rain, colour of fire and roosting birds,
and still I hear those voices, calm and eternal as cliff-top cairns
weighted with lichen and the heavy touch of the aos sĂ­,
the last sight of home from the trough of white waves.

I hear, and you draw in the threads,
the ship rocked beyond returning,
you and I both in the light of so many sunsets,
listen to the gentle songs of sleepy birds,
recall the wind’s song among grey sea-bound stones.

Author: Jane Dougherty

I used to do lots of things I didn't much enjoy. Now I am officially a writer. It's what I always wanted to be.

4 thoughts on “Coucher de soleil”

    1. We were talking about this yesterday, second daughter and I, the way some threads tie us to places and times we’ve never known. They’re just there, in the heart.
      The art work is by the youngest, at art school in Brussels. Hid her light under a bushel while she was at school, but is blossoming now.


      1. She does a lot of abstracts. Since they’re mainly using different types of printing, they’re very limited in the amount of colour they can use, which is a shame.


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