Chemin faisant

For dverse, a poem with pavements in it, and an English adaptation.

Chemin faisant

Une journée de pluie
nuages charbon gris
les pigeons s’en volent
et toi qui me suis
par trottoirs luisants
un miroir d’argent
bref souvenir
parti comme le vent.

A day of rain
and clouds charcoal grey
birds scatter like grain
and you follow me
where the pavements’ dull gleam
reflects silver sky
a brief city dream
a flutter, a sigh.

Author: Jane Dougherty

I used to do lots of things I didn't much enjoy. Now I am officially a writer. It's what I always wanted to be.

22 thoughts on “Chemin faisant”

  1. “birds scatter like grain and you follow me where the pavements’ dull gleam reflects silver sky,” .. there are so many dimensions created in this poem! Lovely work done, Jane 💜


  2. I read both versions aloud, loved the feel of the words in my mouth, and how the rhythm and rhymes differ. Isn’t language is amazing?! I especially love ‘birds scatter like grain’ and the ‘pavements’ dull gleam reflects silver sky’.


  3. Your poem gently rests on the mind creating a peaceful feeling. The birds do scatter on rainy days. There was a terrible thunderstorm here yesterday.


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