Midsummer haibun

For dverse.

This spring of unstable weather, of political uncertainty, of loss of loved friends, coming storms and an unpredictable summer, we watch the sky with concern, our neighbours with consternation. Sun, that coaxes the growing things, sears and burns, rides to its zenith, and we wait with bated breath for the signs, a conquering king triumphant or a parent spreading joy with golden hands.

In ditch-cool grass grows
lush world where frogs laugh at storms
their distant rumble.

Author: Jane Dougherty

I used to do lots of things I didn't much enjoy. Now I am officially a writer. It's what I always wanted to be.

27 thoughts on “Midsummer haibun”

  1. It is solar maximum season this year. They confirmed that a month or two ago. It should cool down a little next year. I have been having problems with wild grass growing in my flower pots. Your haiku came a day after I uprooted the last one so far. šŸ˜‚


    1. In the European Elections a week ago last Sunday, almost 40% of the votes here went to the far right. The turn out was only 50% but it still means that an awful lot of the people I pass will have voted for a party that is morally bankrupt.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. The unpredictability of everything is tangible in your midsummer haibun, Jane. Are the frogs laughing at storms and their distant rumble literal or otherwise?


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