Au bout de la nuit

A poem for dverse worked around a fragment.

Au bout de la nuit

There was one thing that
I gave
before the break of tide and wave
on a dark shore
my word
in the silence between thunder peals
bark of oil-sleek seals
gull cry.

Though all return
to the black
of the beginning
the profondeurs where sing
pale pearls and the lonely
night bird
I will be there to take your hand
walk with you
through the debris of worlds.

Author: Jane Dougherty

I used to do lots of things I didn't much enjoy. Now I am officially a writer. It's what I always wanted to be.

8 thoughts on “Au bout de la nuit”

  1. Lovely writing!!! “I will be there to take your hand walk with you through the debris of worlds.” Love this line most of all ….


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